Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Paint and Bakery

I realised that with our name being 'The Paint and Bake' and all, we never really show you much of our baking side...

So here's a new section that we're calling 'The Paint and Bakery'! Showcasing our other talent(s), besides wielding paintbrushes etc.

To kick things off, here is a picture of a lovely Pavlova, baked by Claudia (decorated by me) on New Years for the Americans. We spent the whole night telling people that New Zealand has the rights to claim the humble 'Pav' as ours, flying the patriotic flag and all...

Mind you, I haven't really been doing much baking lately but maybe that will change? The pressure is on, who can make the most extreme baking good?? Maybe you can? Send us a picture if you too, are a baking sensei master! Challenge time pnb-ers!!

- Agnes

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