Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Fake I.D

This time last year I was prepping to go to the States. Alas those times are over and all I have left is this nugget of goodness that came up on where else but my facebook news feed. Lindsay Merrill was one of Claudia and Ahi's flatmates and was extraordinarily good at rendering. This was one of her Carnegie projects in which she made a hand made fake american passport for Claudia, where each page was painstakingly drawn with coloured pencil. It was pretty awesome in the flesh and it is somewhat bittersweet to see it again...I don't know whether it's graduate slump or the horrid humidity but think I left my heart in the USA!

Read an interview about this work and Lindsay here.

- Agnes

p.s. Elam show up soon but no Whitecliffe unfortunately as I stupidly misread the opening date, thus resulting in missing it like two ships passing in the night. Ultimate fail. Did anyone go? How was it??


Anonymous said...

I headed along to the Whietcliffe show and even though it was very hot at their new campus the work was amazing.

Some great work across fine arts, graphics and photography. If you get a chance check out their end of year catalogue to see some of this


Agnes said...

There's a catalogue? Oh excellence. I quite enjoyed last year's Whitecliffe show so was supremely disappointed to have missed it this time round! Thanks Marcus.