Monday, January 5, 2009

Lost in the Renaissance

And back to modern life in an all-american Diner. Ahhh Metro Diner, you were our greatest friend in the apple.

After a free (or close to free) entrance into the Guggenheim, we decided to try our luck at the Metropolitan. A friend told us that since it is subsidised by the government, you can pretty much pay anything you like to go in. Fortunately, we didn't have to battle the attendant for the $15 'suggested donation' instead, Claudia befriended a security guard who then proceeded to give us free passes into the museum. SCORE!

The free passes came with a downside though, which was that we only had one hour until the museum closed. Those of you who know the met, know that it is a vast area in which black holes exist and things/people get easily lost. Such was our downfall. The time limit and terrible 'you are here' maps in the museum meant that I was lost. Lost in the Renaissance...

That and early painting. I saw plenty of the greats. But none of the modern art! Damn maps leading me nowhere...I missed out on the Hirst shark and a great piece by Anish Kapoor.
Blast to high hell.

Anyway, for your enjoyment, here are a few pics. The Met, unlike that damn Guggenheim, allows pictures very much. No more inconspicuous snapping. Thank You.

Perhaps the met should really work on those maps. I wasn't the only one getting lost. On my travels through the museum, I saw many people with perplexed looks on their faces, which were also buried in the Met map pamphlet. Perhaps a museum GPS system is in order...

- Agnes

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