Wednesday, January 14, 2009


The funny thing about travelling is you start to notice everything that reminds you of home.

Example 1: Whilst walking through the Botannical gardens the other day, the first garden we go into is the 'New Zealand Garden' complete with native fern.

Example 2: Whilst walking into the 49 Geary Building, the first gallery we go to just so happens to be showing Max Gimblett.


Whatever the case, we were delighted to be able to stumble across this bit of New Zealand in the USA. The work was pretty Gimblett standard. The same iconic shapes he uses, the gold and silver leaf and the resin etc...we took extra pictures for you Laxmi...

The gallery also had a copy of Art New Zealand that we were, for once, happy to flick through. We are starting to miss home...

- Agnes

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