Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Studio Movin'

Yes final week = studio move. Here are some pics of us getting jiggy with the paint rollers. Amber said something about how repairing each wall gives us a history of what the hell was under there before us (due to all the sanding we have to do) so its like peeling the layers and seeing the bloody big hole that some student before us (bless their hearts) made for God knows whatever reason and then tried to fill. Or perhaps that giant enamel red wall painting you thought was a really good idea at the time but then realised it wasn't so much when it came time to painting it out...
Either way, the studios are starting to look somewhat spiffy. Excellent.
We also spent our day perusing geekologie, coveting laser cats as well as Post-it fun.
5 days!!
- Agnes

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