Monday, December 15, 2008


Saturday night show at AIR (Artist's Image Resource)

AIR is a non-profit print shop in the north side of Pittsburgh. Our friend Rachel was a part of this show, hers is the projection work (7th picture down)

People tend to have later shows here, as to allow for more party time. This show also had a keg containing what i was told was 'maybe organic beer from some local brewery'...all i know is that it had a faux nutty aftertaste...and that I didn't get to drink it from the iconic red 'solo cups' that are so popular amongst american university parties (or even american parties in general).

The show was a bit of a mish-mash of work, with no apparent theme. I was told this wasn't always the norm at AIR. It was also quite print heavy which is to be expected from a print shop, no?


- The Jaws Montage
- Rachel's projection with a guest appearance from Ahilapalapa
- The cardboard room complete with hyperactive children and fort building

Let downs:

- climbing the ladder to find nothing all that exciting
- running out of solo cups

After this show, we went to a bar called 'Brillo Box', where else but Pittsburgh??

Apologies for being off the radar lately as computers have been hard to come by (Claudia is still finishing her thesis, therefore rendering her laptop in 'frantic research mode'. She is still working on it as we speak even though it was technically due 3 hours ago...

So far it has snowed and thawed. Such is the beauty of Pittsburgh winters. 

Hopefully we will be bringing more news as the semester is finally finished and we can start exploring more places such as the Andy Warhol museum (we must while we are here!) and the mattress factory. 

On another note, other things I have been up to while here is going through the rite of passage of watching a 4 hour American Football game (Pittsburgh Steelers vs Baltimore Ravens) and bowling (ol' fashioned american bowling!). I've also frozen my feet off while waiting for buses, the Pittsburgh bus system doesn't' seem to be any better than that of Auckland. Blast. 

Fun times.

- Agnes

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