Sunday, December 21, 2008

500 Bus

A visit to Pittsburgh without seeing the Andy Warhol Museum is apparently punishable by death off we went catching the 500 bus downtown and over the bridge (Pittsburgh has 30 or so bridges) to Sandusky St. While i'm on the topic of public transport, let me just say that Pittsburgh, like Auckland, has an appaling public transport system in terms of reliability of timing and all that jazz. I have been known to wait 40 minutes in the snow for specific buses to come. It is also annoying because it is free for CMU students (a la claudia), but not for me grrr...

And on another note, most museums and galleries here are also free for CMU students. So whoopdidoo if you are one.

Rant over (rant? or jealousy...)

Anyway, this museum is overfloweth to the brim with screenprints. To the point where you wonder what exactly the difference is between a print of Grace Kelly and one of Sylvester Stallone. Perhaps too many for my liking. Not many of his sculptures either which equalled many a disappointment.

There were plenty of his earlier drawings though. Was rather humbling to be able to see some stuff from Warhol that seem more earnest than his usual stuff...

Best Of the Museum:

- Silver Cloud, a room full of silver balloons floating around and about. Most definately fulfilled my childhood balloon obsession (home show heliums were my favourite). It was such a simple way create awareness between viewer and space. Did not appreciate the crazy high-heeled ladies kicking balloons around though (they were later reprimanded by a gallery attendant...ahhhh attendants...)

- Oxidation Paintings. One of my favourite pieces from Warhol and also a refreshing change from the screenprints (I cannot say enough how many there were...).

I wasn't allowed to take pictures in the museum either so apologies for the shoddy shots. (and for a lack of them). The photos I did manage to take all had to be snapped sneakily from hip level while dodging attendants at the same time. Woes of a blogger. I know.

I also went wild in the Museum shop and bought myself a Diana Camera. Yay for plastic medium formats. Hell yes.

- Agnes

p.s. Just want to let everyone know that it is -9 degrees here. And that we also trekked to this museum in that temperature. With the cruddy bus system. Just to let you know. Send us some sympathy warmth. Or some Vodka (tis how the Russians keep warm).

p.p.s Postcards for those who requested them will be sent soooon (I promise).

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