Minty and Chai's (the green and yellow dogs) installation...

Ahhh yes with open day comes the actual finality of the year (not counting year 3 exhibition that is). Day was spent waking up late, rushing into uni half an hour late to set up projector oops (but in my defence, had not much sleep for the last month really), following CNN Election watch at Vesbar and then waiting around for the next 8 hours to pack up....and have the odd celebratory drink now and then...
As there were so much work around, I just had to make this post extremely image heavy. Bear with alright?
Afterwards, some of us adjourned to second level for D.A.N.C.E, except it was more like C.H.I.L.L because we were still tired (such a nanna I am).
That is all! End of year bloody hell...
- Agnes
p.s. Yay for Obama

Haha Yay the year is final over, time for some chilaxing on the bech, and catching up with sleep before 3rd year, ARRRGGGH!!!!!!! :)
haha yay, you're coming on the camping trip ay?
Of course!!!!!
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