Sunday, November 2, 2008


As of 9am this morning, years 1 & 2 were over with for the year! (not including open day and any dismantling of work/cleaning up that we still have to do). Yes as I drove/ran in at 8.30am, expecting that I would be the only one who was putting up some last minute things, I was met by Clint who told me that 'everyone was running'! Was a frenzy and chaos of people still trying to set up and slip contextual statements or documentation in before the tutors noticed that time had ticked over to 9.01am...

But alas, as much as I am relieved that it is over with, I'm still met with a tingle of melancholy. Perhaps because I am very much a creature of habit and with each new year comes a new studio dynamic (just when i was getting comfortable in this year's studio..)

However, next year is what it is and will be exciting none the less. Third year = scary thought = hell yes! And hopefully, this blog will get a few more writers/photographers/interesting people on board.
Keep posted over the next few days for open day photos.
- Agnes

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