Sunday, November 9, 2008

Hot Vids and Cheap Goals

I propose something similar in studio next year...any takers? Elliot? Simon? Yes??

Speaking of next year projects, this is whats on the board (Miss Ford! Generation Game = Heart):

- The Elliot + Agnes + Anyone Else epic marble track! Complete with K'nex and motorised parts and loop de loops and anything else we can imagine...

Ours of course will be more epic

- The Paint and Bake collective Exhibition. Yes we can...

- The Amberfying of Alan's Creme de la Creme Couch (we need couch!) which will include Thomas whipping up an awesome drop sheet cover and Amber bedazzlin' it with her sequin skills.

Not too keen on the domino record breaking though, perhaps that is a little too unreasonable...

But this is our concise list of things we must achieve next year! I will personally see to it...If we do not, i will delete this post and no one will ever know...ha! the magic of being moderator...muahahahahahhaa

Failure is not an option. Paint and Bakers, we have been warned...

- Agnes


Anonymous said...

Hella YES !!!!!!
Marble track galore

Anonymous said...

OOO OOOO OOO we should also do a big caloborative work with inflatables and sofas and fun cumfy things that ppl play with and relax on...


Agnes said...

Hmm yes what about our weather balloon idea... that was rather interesting? But let's keep our goals concise and attainable for now so perhaps the sofa thing can be postponed to a later date?

Anonymous said...

how abuot we just take over the whole studio next year and make lots of cool and fun art with ppl??